July 18th - 23rd, 2025

Crooked Creek Ranch, Fraser, CO

$799 (with a $250 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot)

Who Can Attend:
Students with disabilities, ages 12-22, from SVVSD, BVVSD, and the greater area*
(*Our ministry is not affiliated with the SVVSD or BVVSD school districts.)

What to Expect:
Join your leader for a week of fun, adventure, great food, relaxation, meaningful conversations, and personal growth at one of Young Life's resort-style properties!

Why Attend:
Kids deserve a break from everyday pressures, a chance to have fun with friends and leaders, and an opportunity to hear about God's love in a way they can understand and relate to.

How We'll Get There:
Our leaders will provide transportation to and from camp.

Cost includes:
Transportation, Lodging, Meals at camp

Bring extra cash for:
Fun at CCR (snack shop, souvenirs, etc.

Trip Requirements:

  • Completed online YL Health/Consent form - details and waiver info will be emailed when available. 
  • Any additional forms or paperwork requested by Cam
  • Payment in full by departure
  • Parent/guardian present at departure

[email protected]

Participant Information

  • Please select to make a deposit or full payment below. This will be paid by credit card.

You agree to Young Life's terms and privacy policy. Msg & Data rates may apply.

Parent / Guardian Information

By signing below I acknowledge that the deposit for this trip is non-refundable (unless the trip moves to a waitlist and my spot can be filled). I also understand that payment is due in full by departure.

By signing below I acknowledge that only Young Life health/consent forms will be accepted, and non-YL paperwork (athletic/school physicals, etc.) will *not* be accepted.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software